BURN Series – Trail Build Donation
This is a donation to the trail building fund that will be used to continue our work on the Van Stadensburg Mountain Trail network.
We have a team of 4 paid guys and each day out building trail costs us ~R1860 (wages @R350/labourer/day, food & drinks @R65/labourer/day and diesel to drive from PE to Crossways & back @R200/day.
This allows us to build around 200 – 300 meters of trail / day (depending on weather, terrain and other factors).
The above base cost excludes additional costs we may incur such as tools, materials for steps (logs, wire etc.) and also excludes our time and management of the team, which we consider a donation to the greater trail running community.
We need as much help as we can get to continue this project, and we really appreciate any help you can give us 🙂
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